Exploring diverse paths to decarbonise

Innovative energy solutions for tomorrow

In a world where energy demands are ever-evolving and environmental concerns loom large, we understand that the road to a sustainable future requires a multifaceted approach. There is no silver bullet, each road is worth exploring. Each innovation, each idea, contributes to the larger picture of sustainability.


At the heart of our collective effort is a team of dedicated experts. We invite you to engage with them, and collaborate on new ideas. We want our Business Innovation platform to be a meeting ground for forward-thinkers, and a catalyst for change. Because, in the realm of innovation, collaboration is the force that keeps us going.

Innovation 2
Exploring diverse paths to decarbonise

Accelerating new solutions

We believe it is our responsibility to make a positive impact and to help the transport sector become more sustainable faster. With the further development of our decarbonisation platform, a gathering

place of knowledge and years of experience, we are getting closer to a greener future every day.


We offer a broad package of solutions to help our customers create a better world. These low-carbon energy solutions and services enable us to further accelerate the energy transition. New partnerships and feedstocks are the building blocks that, thanks to different conversion routes, can be used in many different sectors.



Biomethanol is an effective and scalable way to reduce emissions in the maritime sector. FincoEnergies is the first operational supplier of this specific product in the Netherlands. Thanks to a fully sustainable production process (well-to-wheel), a certified CO2 reduction of no less than 92.4% can be achieved compared to conventional fossil fuels. FincoEnergies will offer biomethanol under the GoodFuels brand.

New feedstocks

Our fuel blends are advancing rapidly, aiming for 30% non-fossil sources within five years and full renewable fuels by 2040. We explore various feedstocks and residue streams, including innovative options like used car tires and non-recyclable plastic. We keep an open mind regarding energy sources but avoid those that compete with the food market or pose indirect land-use change risks. After gaining clarity on the feedstock and approval from our Sustainability Board, we proceed with the quest for feedstock or its derived products.


FincoEnergies is an important part of the Solid Biomass collaborative project. We are helping to ensure that Coega Biomass Centre in Port Elizabeth is up and running. The factory will produce 120,000 tons of wood pellets per year. This provides new opportunities for more low-carbon biofuels, reducing approximately 180,000-200,000 tons of CO2 emissions and creating sustainable biomass chains that can provide local communities and international markets with clean and affordable energy.


The project has more important positive impacts, such as restoring biodiversity, providing employment and contributing to social cohesion in communities. This is why our biomass is called GoodBiomass.

Research Projects

We want to play an important role in the decarbonisation journey of transportation. In 2026, we want 20% of our product sold could consist of non-fossil, renewable sources. We already use various feedstocks and residue streams, some of which are already quite advanced. But there are more – fair and preferably circular – fuel pathways we could follow.


Here are a few of the future projects that our experts are currently engaged in:

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